The FAHS aims to represent and support the historical society sector at a national level. It is represented on federal bodies such as the Minister for Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts’ Heritage Working Group and the Regional Cultural Alliance (RCA). In addition to this, committee members attend relevant meetings, seminars and forums to maintain a presence in the field, and to have a voice in discussions affecting historical societies. The Federation makes written submissions to appropriate government agencies on a range of history and heritage issues.
In order to be an effective voice for historical societies throughout Australia, it is essential that the Federation knows what concerns/practical problems they consider should be addressed at the federal/state/local government levels. Please complete a form for each concern/practical problem that you would like the Federation to address. The form can be electronically completed and emailed.
Please send completed forms to the FAHS at admin@history.org.au.
The Federation will consider the submissions, refer to the relevant FAHS constituent if necessary, then inform the constituent and the initiating society of its proposed action. Once the initiating organisation has agreed to this action, the issue will be raised in one or more appropriate forums, identifying the name of each organisation which raised the issue. The Federation will then report the outcome/s direct to the requesting society with a copy to the FAHS constituent.