Support Us

Australia is served by some 1200 community history and heritage societies, operating in every electorate and local government area across the nation. Collectively they harness the skills and energy of approximately 100,000 members and volunteers who contribute hundreds of thousands of hours of work, which the FAHS conservatively values at $144 million per annum. Historical societies create enriching visitor experiences, especially in regional Australia where cultural tourism is a major source of revenue. Increasingly, historical societies have become active in the defence of built and social heritage, and in advocating for the preservation of heritage sites in the face of inappropriate development.

The Federation of Australian Historical Societies works to support these groups by advocating and representing community history and heritage at the national level; facilitating communication and cooperation between state and local societies; and offering training and other guidance advice for societies.

Recent initiatives of the FAHS include:

  • A survey to find out what kind of support local historical societies require
  • A guide about how to preserve digital collections
  • Two papers for the advice of the Australian Heritage Council about nineteenth century fortifications in Australia

Future initiatives of the FAHS include:

  • A time capsule project to preserve and nationally publicise the amazing collections in local historical societies
  • Advocate for Community History Collection Awards through the Arts portfolio as a financial reward for societies who demonstrate excellence in developing and maintaining their collections
  • Advocate for the Health Department to assist historical societies in making Memory Boxes to improve wellbeing in the elderly

We rely on your ongoing support to continue our work. There are several ways you and/or your local historical society can support us:


What you can do

Become a Supporter of the FAHS (annual fee $33 incl. GST)

If you value the work of the FAHS, consider being one of our first Supporters! Supporters are essential for the FAHS to be able to carry out advocacy work at the national level.

FAHS Supporters receive the following benefits:

  • advice on collections
  • representation by the FAHS in appropriate network, advocacy liaison activities upon request
  • receipt of FAHS Newsletter and e-Bulletin
  • information about history and heritage opportunities
  • inclusion of news and information about events and achievements which you may wish to publicise

The first 200 Supporters will receive a #HistoryMattersAU badge. You can register to become a Supporter here.

To become a Supporter and/or to make a donation by bank transfer

BSB 016 281

Account no. 4052 03711

In the notes/message field please enter your name, and email the FAHS Treasurer your details:

Write to your local federal member and write to the Minister for the Environment

Funding for arts and cultural organisations in Australia is at an all-time low. In your letter, urge them to provide more funding for services to the community history and heritage movement across Australia, just as funding is provided for other groups such as sporting clubs. You can download the flyer Historical Societies: Strengthening and Promoting Communities here.


What your society can do

Make your society an Associate Member (annual fee $33 incl. GST)

All history and heritage groups, whether formally associated with a state peak society or not, are invited to become Associate Members. Associate Members receive the following benefits:

  • advice on collections
  • representation by the FAHS in appropriate network, advocacy liaison activities upon request
  • receipt of FAHS Newsletter and e-Bulletin
  • information about history and heritage opportunities
  • inclusion of news and information about a society’s events and achievements