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e-BULLETIN No. 143 – 4 October 2015
Editor, Dr Jodie Boyd
2) Exhibition of the works of woodcarver Nellie Payne
3) Roving Curator Program 2016
4) RAHS History Conference Migration Matters comes to Bankstown, NSW
5) International win for WA heritage project
6) South Australian Historian of the Year - Peter Donovan
7) French connection for Australian history
8) RHSV submission to Review of Heritage Act 1995 (Vic)
9) Nominations for the 2016 Western Australian Heritage Awards
Editor’s Note: Acknowledgement and thanks to Ruth Kerr
Ruth has informed the FAHS that she has effectively handed over the editorship of the E-Bulletins to Jodie Boyd, the FAHS Outreach Officer.
Ruth has edited 142 E-Bulletins. It is an amazing achievement but only part of her many years of service to FAHS. The FAHS wish to acknowledge Ruth’s work and thank and congratulate her.
The Federation of Australian Historical Societies is sad to report the demise of Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Bolton AO at home on 4 September after a short illness. He will be remembered as one of Australia’s great historians, though his major contribution was to the recording and interpretation of Western Australian History and to a lesser extent Queensland. He could bring history to life and in so doing enlarged and enriched our understanding of the past. He was a man of great erudition and charm, whose sense of humour and wit could enliven any occasion. He will be sadly missed, especially by the Royal WA Historical Society of which he was a Life Member and Fellow.
His obituary in the West Australian. http://www.news.com.au/national/western-australia/wa-historian-professor-geoffrey-bolton-dies-aged-83/story-fnii5thn-1227512536542
2) Exhibition of the works of woodcarver Nellie Payne
Westbury & Districts Historical Society, Tasmania – ‘Who Was Nellie Payne? – An Extraordinary Life Explored’. October 9th to November 2nd 2015.
The Westbury and Districts Historical Society are holding an exhibition of Nellie’s Payne’s work, a little-known but remarkable woman, raised at Westbury, Tasmania, who went on to study at the University of London and South Kensington School of Art.
Payne was one of Tasmania’s most prominent woodcarvers, who during her long life carved over 150 pieces – dower chests, World War 1 honour rolls, and pieces such as altars and prayer desks for many churches, lecterns and chairs for schools.
Many of her pieces are overseas and interstate but the Society has photographed most of these and they will sit alongside the physical pieces that are in Tasmania and which we will display for this exhibition. Nellie was this year inducted into the Tasmanian Women’s Honour Roll.
Further information at: http://nelliepayne.com/ ;
or https://www.facebook.com/Nellie-Payne-1566288223625863/timeline/
(Source: Catherine Pearce, Launceston Historical Society ; Westbury & Districts Historical Society)
3) Roving Curator Program 2016
Are you looking for professional assistance on an exhibition idea or project? Would you like to develop your team’s exhibition skills? The Roving Curator Program could be your answer!
The Roving Curator Program provides small museums and galleries with exhibition development assistance, including several days on-site advice as well as follow-up support. See guidelines for the types of projects and support available.
Guidelines and application form
Applications are now open and close 13 October 2015.
For further information or to discuss your application, please email Kitty Owens, Manager, Exhibition Services, or call Kitty on (03) 8341 7342.
(Source: Australia ICOMOS Email News No 697, 4 September 2015)
4) RAHS History Conference Migration Matters comes to Bankstown, NSW
The Royal Australian Historical Society, Australia’s oldest historical organisation founded in Sydney in 1901, is heading to Bankstown to host its annual conference. This event includes two days of history-based talks with a particular focus on how migration history is an essential part of local and community history. The conference also incorporates historical tours, and opportunities to network with fellow history lovers. As one of the most ethnically diverse communities in Australia, Bankstown is the ideal setting to explore the importance of migration history, learn skills that will support history projects and enjoy opportunities to network with people who share a passion for history.
RAHS President, Associate Professor Carol Liston, explains why people should attend this conference: “The mix of talks include practical how-to explanations that will support local and community history projects. We want those who attend the conference to go home full of ideas about how they can incorporate Migration Matters into their local history.”, she said.
David Hill, author of The Forgotten Children: Fairbridge Farm School and its Betrayal of Britain's Child Migrants to Australia, will be the keynote speaker at the conference. There will also be speakers who will concentrate on Bankstown migration history. Sue Rosen author of Bankstown: A Sense of Identity will be speaking at the conference and Wayne Peake will talk about the Peake Family of Peakhurst and the Georges River District (1811-1996), and will participate in a panel discussion on different Bankstown migrant experiences.
As well as local migrant experiences, conference delegates will be provided with the opportunity to learn skills to enhance history projects, and gain insights into connecting local and global migration histories. Dr Bruce Pennay OAM, whose talk is titled ‘Seeing Migration Matter Locally’ explains: “Sixty/seventy years ago large numbers of pictures were used to shape Australian community responses to migrants and refugees. They survive in official and media archives to show how migration mattered in the post-war. Another huge number of pictures also survive in family albums. They show how migration mattered to those undertaking the experience.”
The Royal Australian Historical Society Conference will be held at Bankstown Sports Club on Saturday 24th – Sunday 25th October, with pre-conference drinks hosted at the Gillawarna Room at Bankstown Sports Club on Friday 23rd October. For a full speaker program and booking information please go to the RAHS website: http://www.rahs.org.au/2015-royal-australian-historical-society-conference/
(Source: RAHS Media Release, ‘History Conference Migration Matters comes to Bankstown’, September 2015)
5) International win for WA heritage project
A Western Australian project to restore Wanslea, the Cottesloe building used by the Cancer Wellness Centre, has been recognised at this year's UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation.
Heritage Minister Albert Jacob said the restoration of the 1905 building was recognised with an honourable mention in the esteemed international awards.
"Wanslea is an outstanding conservation and refurbishment project that considered the building's history, while sensitively incorporating contemporary elements," Mr Jacob said.
It was shortlisted for nomination for the UNESCO Awards following its win at the 2015 Western Australian Heritage Awards, where it received the prestigious Gerry Gauntlett Award for Conservation or Adaptive Reuse of a State Registered place.
Wanslea was the only Australian project to receive a conservation award at this year's UNESCO Awards. Port Arthur Penitentiary in Tasmania was recognised with an award in the New Design in Heritage Contexts category.
"Since the agreement between the Heritage Council of Western Australia and UNESCO was forged in 2012, five Western Australian projects have been recognised, clearly showing the world-class standard of conservation work being undertaken in this State," the Minister said.
The UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation program recognises the efforts of private individuals and organisations which have successfully restored and conserved structures and buildings of heritage value.
"The UNESCO judges said the restoration of the heritage-listed Wanslea to house various cancer support and assistance groups is notable for its sensitive approach to embracing and articulating the multi-layered history of the site," Mr Jacob said.
The judges said the project had retained and rejuvenated all the existing buildings in the compound using a thoughtful conservation process.
The other WA Heritage Award winning projects to be submitted for a 2015 UNESCO Award were the Albany Forts (Princess Royal Fortress), and Harwood's Cottage Cafe and Quindalup Post Office.
(Source: Media Statement, Hon Albert Jacob MLA, Minister for Environment; Heritage, 4 September 2015, https://www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au/Pages/Barnett/2015/09/International-win-for-WA-heritage-project.aspx)
6) South Australian Historian of the Year - Peter Donovan
Peter Donovan was recently named South Australian Historian of the Year. The award ceremony was held at Government House. His latest book, Storm is about soldiers from Kapunda who died at Gallipoli. Peter has recently returned from a speaking engagement aboard a cruise ship as part of the Anzac commemorations. He was also recently awarded a Doctor of Letters from the University of New England.
(Source: Historia (PHA) #13 September 2015)
7) French connection for Australian history
The development of an Australian curriculum section in the French Baccalaureate is to be advanced following the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by the Minister for Education and Training, Christopher Pyne.
Mr Pyne said the move was “a significant step in the wider recognition of Australian history and culture in the realm of education internationally”.
He signed the MoU in Noumea with the French High Commissioner to New Caledonia, Vincent Bouvier, and the President of the Government of New Caledonia, Philippe Germain.
“The proposed Australian section of the Baccalaureate will build on similar international sections in the French high school curriculum for the United States, United Kingdom and several other countries,” the Minister said.
“Once the curriculum is established, the Australian section will be trialled in a number of secondary schools in New Caledonia, requiring students to invest about six hours a week on Australian literature and four hours a week on Australian history and geography.”
He said that on completion of the trial, secondary schools in France could incorporate the Australian section into their Baccalaureate.
(Source: PS News Online, No. 471f, http://www.psnews.com.au/aps/471/news/french-connection-for-australian-history)
8) RHSV submission to Review of Heritage Act 1995 (Vic)
The RHSV has made a submission to Review of Heritage Act 1995(Vic) – read it here: http://www.historyvictoria.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/RHSV-Heritage-Act-Submission.pdf
9) Nominations for the 2016 Western Australian Heritage Awards
Nominations for the 2016 Western Australian Heritage Awards will open in mid-September. More information here: